June 18, 2020

6 Tips and Tricks to Help You Relieve a Panic Attack

The year 2020 will be one written about in the history books. 2020 has been a whirlwind of emotional situations. It is common for stress and anxiety to be heightened during times of uncertainty. International Panic Day is annually observed on June 18th where individuals take the time to evaluate their priorities. And take steps toward eliminating anything that induces stress and anxiety. It is necessary to acknowledge panic and find ways to reduce stress. We have compiled a guide on how to relieve a panic attack with six tips and tricks including devices like the Silent Beacon wearable panic button to give you peace of mind.

What are Stress and Anxiety?

So, what are stress and anxiety? Stress is any demand that is placed physically or mentally on a person. The feeling of stress can come from multiple demands competing against each other. The first step in finding a remedy for panic attacks is acknowledging the cause. Stress can be triggered by an event that causes the feeling of being frustrated or nervous. Extreme stress can cause high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. Anxiety is intense fear, worry, or uneasy feeling typically surrounding a particular thought or event. This can be a reaction to stress or a reaction to being unable to identify specific stressors in one’s life. We all experience stress and anxiety every day in some way, shape, or form. The best way to handle it is by recognizing what it is. 

Ways To Relieve a Panic Attack

If you experience stress and anxiety-related panic attacks then you know they can be emotionally and physically draining. We have gathered some of the best tips to help relieve them so that you can enjoy a safe summer with your friends and family. Now that you have acknowledged the causes, we are going to share with you what to do during panic attacks and how to relieve the anxiety.

#1 Carry Silent Beacon Everywhere

Panic attacks can come out of nowhere and can happen anywhere and at any time. Unfortunately, stress and anxiety are everywhere which means panic attacks are everywhere. The best defense to use in this scenario is to carry the Silent Beacon wireless panic button with you at all times. Silent Beacon can be your comfort and peace of mind when worried about having a panic attack. It helps you away from home or in an environment that you are not familiar with. The wireless panic button is small enough to fit in your pocket, purse and even the palm of your hand. An accessory clip is included that will allow you to put the panic button on a keychain, backpack or lanyard. 


However, Different emergencies require different responses. Silent Beacon allows you to customize who you call for help, whether that’s 911, emergency services, a family member or friend, even phone numbers overseas. Silent Beacon uses your smartphone’s GPS to send your location in real-time via text, email, and push notifications to people who can help you in an emergency. Many times, panic attacks leave you stunned and unable to speak. This feature adds a whole extra layer of safety, enabling contacts to find you if you’re incapacitated. Use your Silent Beacon worldwide by setting up localized emergency contacts in any country you visit. We designed our panic button to survive your active lifestyle.

#2 Recognize Panic Attack Symptoms

The faster you can recognize the symptoms of a panic attack the faster you can attempt to relieve it. Symptoms of a panic attack can be a mixture of multiple events. Individuals experience stress and anxiety differently. Common symptoms include stomach aches, muscle tension, headache, rapid breathing, sweating, shaking, dizziness, change in appetite, trouble sleeping, difficulty concentrating, irrational anger, diarrhea, or fatigue. It is important to recognize the changes in your body when a panic attack is on the verge of happening. Noticing these symptoms can save time and health.

#3 Add Exercise Into Daily Routine

Incorporating exercise into your daily routine can help reduce the stress and anxiety in your life. Exercise is a great outlet to release your personal frustrations. You can sweat out all of the toxins and stress that contribute to anxiety. Focusing on fitness has been proven to relieve stress levels when your brain releases endorphins during physical activity. So, daily workouts will also improve your physical health and increase body image self-esteem. Overall, exercising will benefit both your mind and body but will help prevent increased rates of stress and panic attacks.

#4 Practice Yoga and Deep Breathing Meditations

Along the lines of exercise, you can use yoga and deep breathing meditations as a form of panic attack self-help. A study at Harvard University found that yoga can reduce the impact of exaggerated stress and anxiety because yoga decreases the heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration of the body. Deep breathing meditation also encourages relaxation of the mind. Our brains are very powerful and can go into overdrive when anxiety and panic are weighing down on our minds. It is important to give our brain the time to breathe and calm down.

#5 Get Enough Sleep

A good night’s sleep is beneficial for overall health. A full eight-hour sleep schedule is needed for adults to gain complete relaxation and rejuvenation each night. When our bodies do not get enough sleep, we do not experience the advantages of muscle repair and memory reconsolidation. Maintaining adequate sleep will reduce stress along with healthier blood pressure and cholesterol levels. But, exhaustion can cause an individual to be less patient and easily irritated. So, the more well-rested you are, the more inclined you are to handle stress and anxiety with a clear mind. 

#6 Seek Professional Support

Panic attacks can be a demanding and traumatic experience. Start your recovery slowly by reaching out to a friend or family member to talk about the struggles you have encountered. Trusted individuals that you are close with may give you the advice and support needed in order to cope with your panic attacks. If you can not find relief in current stress and anxiety coping mechanisms, please contact a medical professional for panic attack help. Therefore, Seeking support from a professional could offer you temporary relief, or maybe even permanent, solutions to frequent panic episodes.

International Panic Day may uncover buried stress and anxiety. Refer back to these 6 tips and tricks, including carrying a Silent Beacon to relieve intimidating stressors in your life.
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