Women’s Health and Fitness Day is the annual health campaign for women of all ages. It’s a unique program that witnesses the participation of local organizations all over the U.S. The day is purely focused on the significance of regular exercise and health awareness for all women. 

Since this day marks an important event, we are here to help you attain a healthier and safer life. 

We get it; you are busy. 

You have a job, family, and friends who tend to be your priority. 

But you should also be on top of your list of priorities. 

Must Read: Women Safety App for Instant Help 

So this Women Health And Fitness Day, vow to stay healthy and safe by following the below tips:

Health Tips For Women 

Most women are more focused on taking care of others’ wellness and health needs before taking care of theirs. 

But the reality is that you will be better positioned to take care of the people around you if you make your health a priority. 

No matter how old you are or what your health status is, these 6 women’s health tips will increase your prospects of living a healthier life. 

  • Stop Smoking – If you stop smoking, it will reduce your odds of developing heart and lung diseases. 
  • Get Annual Health Checkups – It can increase your chances of detecting the disease earlier and avoid chronic conditions. Hence, you will be able to tackle the disease when it’s on stage one. So, get a complete head-to-toe checkup annually. 
  • Get Adequate Amount Of Sleep – Other than fighting the early signs of aging, getting proper hours of sleep is crucial. It promotes mental alertness and keeps stress levels down. Research says that women need 20 more minutes of sleep as compared to men. So make sure you are getting that. 
  • Avoid the Sun From 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. – Even if you have to go out, wear sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more. 
  • Exercise Daily – Physical activity is significant. Make it a habit to exercise for 20 minutes every day. It will keep your heart healthy, maintain your weight, and keep stress levels down. 
  • Eat Healthy – Another important point in women’s fitness tips is eating healthy. Don’t do crash diets or follow diets that allow you to eat fruits and vegetables only. Just take a balanced diet

Safety Tips For Women 

1 in 4 women has been victims of severe physical violence. Also, women come across safety threats while working in offices, in their daily commute, at home, in their relationships, etc. 

To help you fight back, we have listed a few safety tips that are easy to follow. We have also suggested women’s safety devices that will come in handy. Most also have a women safety app that you can use easily on your phone. 

  • Have A Plan – When you step out of the house, whether alone or with friends, pay close attention to everything happening around you. And as an extra measure, inform someone outside your group about your whereabouts. 
  • Ping Your Location – Cell phones are a fantastic tool that has an emergency feature. It lets you ping your location to anyone on your contact list. It’s easy to set up and comes in handy when you find yourself in trouble. 
  • Tools For Self-Defense – There are many personal safety devices for women out there. Get a self-defense device that you are comfortable carrying, for instance, Silent Beacon Panic Button. It allows you to call for help, share your location, and notify your emergency contact list with a single touch. It’s easy to set up and will ensure your safety 24/7.  It also has a women’s safety app that you can set up to share your location with 911 and your emergency contacts. Just press the panic button, and an alert will be sent out within 3 seconds.
  • Create Boundaries – Whether you are alone or with a group of friends, don’t hesitate to create distance between you and the person if you feel unsafe with someone. Always follow your gut. 
  • Power Up – Get self-defense training so that you can learn to protect yourself in a dangerous situation. For that, you need to be mentally and physically equipped. So get your women’s to power on!

Final Word 

By following these tips, join the group of women who honor their health and safety more than anything else. One day is not enough. It’s a full-time job, and we hope that the tips given above will not only keep you safe but will also keep you healthy. 

76% of domestic violence is committed against women.  Silent Beacon is there if things get out of hand and you’re witness to a domestic violence incident. It’s only one button push away.

So, get on the bandwagon and make yourself a priority. Don’t forget to get one of the women safety gadgets because it’s a must-have these days. 

Happy National Women’s Health and Fitness Day!

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