May 21, 2021

How to Stay Safe During Hurricane Season

Hurricane season is almost upon us. Hurricane’s are one of nature’s most powerful & destructive phenomena. From June – November each year it is important to be aware of how to stay safe in case a hurricane strikes your area.


Hurricane Safety Tips

How to Stay Safe in a Hurricane

Plan Ahead

Clearly, it is vitally important – no matter where you live – to have a safety plan in place, as well as taking several proactive precautions. Follow these hurricane safety tips to know that you are prepared for anything that may come your way during hurricane season:

Stockpile food and water: If your area experiences a hurricane, it’s quite possible that you will be unable to access roads or supplies in a timely manner. Food and water supplies may become a concern. Therefore, be sure to keep bottled water and non-perishable food in a cool, dark place to have on hand. The CDC recommends at least 5 gallons of water per person. They recommend at least 3-5 days worth of food for each member of your family. If you have a baby or elderly person living in the home, stock up on formula, baby food, and medications as well.

Keep other supplies on hand: During a hurricane, it’s quite possible that you will lose electricity, so make sure you have plenty of flashlights with fresh batteries and candles (with matches or lighters) at the ready. Also, no electricity also means that you will not be able to charge your phones and other devices. Therefore, be sure to get into the habit of keeping all devices fully charged at all times. If your power suddenly goes out, this will give you the ability to continue to call friends and family if needed. Check out the CDC’s website under “Natural Disasters and Severe Weather” for additional suggestions for supplies such as blankets and fire extinguishers.

Use Weather Alerts

Consider keeping a weather app on your phone, and enable the push notification feature. This way, you can receive alerts in case severe weather is headed your way. This will give you advance warning and precious time that you will need. Plus, in the event of an evacuation, you will have time to pack up and get your family safely out of the house. You have to be on the road before the winds and rain intensify.

Inform Your family

Maintain a list of important emergency phone numbers and make your family members aware of where this list is kept. Map out the route to your nearest emergency shelter and keep that on hand as well.

Carry A Personal Safety Device for Hurricane Safety

The Silent Beacon is your one-button push to safety – and it’s small enough to carry with you at all times. This lightweight, Bluetooth-enabled personal safety device pairs with the free Silent Beacon app. In an emergency, all you need to do is press the button on the Silent Beacon device, or in the app. This triggers an alert and sends out information to your emergency contacts. It can call any number, including but not limited to 911, and it can text/email your emergency contacts as well.

The GPS feature allows first responders to pinpoint your location immediately. This ensures that you will get help as quickly as possible in an emergency, and that you will not need to remain in the same place for emergency responders to find you. The Silent Beacon also has two-way communication in case you need to speak to your emergency contacts through it while you wait for help to arrive.

One of the best features of this device is that your alert goes directly to emergency personnel. You do not need a call center that plays middleman between you and the help you need. Perhaps best of all, there are no hidden fees. There are no activation or cancellation fees, and there are absolutely no recurring fees or charges.

In the event of extreme weather this hurricane season, follow these hurricane safety tips to keep you and your loved ones safe.

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