September 2, 2019

Camp Safety Devices – Silent Beacon is the Professional Leader for Personal Safety

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Going camping is a terrific way to get outdoors, explore nature, and enjoy time with friends and family. However, with so much to pack and remember, it’s easy to forget about some of the dangers that come with being out in the wilderness. So, the next time you’re ready to take your adventure to the woods, don’t leave home without packing these essentials camping safety devices that will guarantee a fun – and safe – trip:

Silent Beacon Camping Safety Devices

camping safety device

The Silent Beacon is a lightweight, personal camping safety device that is the first item you should pack when preparing for any outdoor adventure! This small, Bluetooth-enabled device, when paired with the free Silent Beacon app, allows you to call for and receive help immediately with the touch of a single button. In the event of an emergency, simply depress the button to trigger your alert. This alert will notify friends, family, and emergency personnel that you are in distress. Best of all, you select your contacts; you can load up to seven contacts, including 911 and other first responders.

When you activate the alert, GPS technology allows emergency personnel to pinpoint your location quickly and easily. Without costly call centers, you also save precious time by sending your text, phone, or email alerts instantly and directly to your contacts. Plus, the tiny Beacon clips onto a keychain or backpack, allowing you to remain hands-free on your bike ride, hike, etc.

First Aid Supplies

Pack a first aid kit to ensure that you’re prepared for any accident or emergency. Some must-have personal safety device for camping or items to include in your kit:

  • Band Aids
  • Gauze
  • Instant ice packs (squeeze/shake to activate)
  • Antiseptic
  • Antibiotic ointment
  • Bee sting kit
  • Aloe vera
  • Painkillers (acetaminophen and/or ibuprofen)
  • Hand sanitizer
  • EpiPen (if needed)
  • Other prescription medications anyone in your group needs
  • Ace bandages

Skin protection

Whether you’re near a lake or deep in a forest, bugs, sun, and certain plants can thwart even the best-laid plans. Stock up on sunscreen with the maximum SPF, and be sure to reapply often (as well as after going in the water). Dermatologists recommend the equivalent of a shot glass of lotion to adequately cover your body.

When it comes to ticks, mosquitoes, and other pests, bug spray and repellants can keep you bite- and itch-free. If you’re concerned about wearing products with DEET, there are many natural alternatives on the market that provide optional choices for protection. Several companies also make repellant that you can easily clip onto your shorts or backpack (instead of applying directly to the skin).

Poison ivy, oak, and sumak are real concerns for anyone spending time outdoors. Packing items such as calamine lotion, as well as products that allow you to get the poisonous oils off your skin, will save you from out-of-control itching while stopping the spread of any poisonous oils.

Protection from other wildlife

Deer. Bears. Foxes. Mountain Lions. While these animals may be beautiful to observe and watch, getting too close to wildlife can have fatal consequences.

Learn about the wildlife in the area where you will be spending time, and educate yourself regarding what to do (and what not to do) to keep yourself safe. For example, be sure to dispose of all food supplies properly. Leaving food and food trash out is simply inviting wildlife to your campsite or tent – while putting you at risk of coming face-to-face with a hungry animal. While it may go without saying, do not feed wildlife either, as this invariably welcomes possibly aggressive animals into your space. If you are going to be in an area where you may need to physically protect yourself from an animal, consider carrying a knife or club.

Food & Drink

Make sure you pack plenty of food & water for your trip. And if you’re at a campground but headed out for a bike ride or hike, pack extra rations for your trek. While you might only plan to be gone for a couple of hours, if you get lost or off track, having extra food and water will keep you hydrated, with plenty of energy to make it back to your Homebase.

Protein-rich foods like nuts, granola, and trail mix are easy to carry and won’t weigh you down – yet they will provide you with the nutrients you need for a long day on the trail. When it comes to water, REI recommends that you should stock up with at least a half-liter of water for every hour of moderate activity you plan to partake in.

Camping Safety Proper Attire

Make sure you’re prepared for the weather, as well as any unforeseen circumstances. That means pack plenty of socks that wick moisture away from your skin. Thermal underwear can provide a warm base layer when temperatures drop. Meanwhile, gloves and mittens (with hand warmers) can keep your hands warm no matter the weather. Shoes should be comfortable (to prevent blisters) yet sturdy, with non-skid soles and plenty of ankle support.

A waterproof windbreaker will come in handy for any wet conditions you may encounter, while a down jacket can keep your upper body warm. Remember that you lose lots of heat from your head, so hats, fleece headbands, and “gator necks” can keep everything warm above your shoulders.

And if it’s summertime? Pack plenty of shorts and tanks to stay cool – but also be prepared for cooler evenings when the sun sets and temperatures drop.

Have fun!

Now that you’ve packed your bags, it’s time to have fun! By being prepared with the camping safety devices items listed above, you can now focus on the time you will get to spend with family and friends . . . a sure way to create memories that will last a lifetime.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][vc_btn title=”Buy your Personal Panic Button During Camping” color=”primary” size=”lg” align=”center” link=”|title:Silent%20Beacon||”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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