February 27, 2017

How personal security devices improve your personal safety?


It is true that we live in a modern world where technology has gotten to an extreme level of sophistication. Moreover, technology has penetrated our lives so much that even our children are now addicted to devices such as mobile phones, tablets, and game consoles. Furthermore, as the world becomes more violent and dangerous, we all start thinking about how we can use the technology to keep us safe. Technological firms dedicate a large number of investments in the development of personal security devices and their technologies. Most modern car manufacturers implement anti-theft devices in their vehicles. Our cell phones come with device locator that can help us retrieve our phones when lost or stolen.

Know How to Take Control of your heart Condition with Silent Beacon Panic Button

Personal security devices become sort of a trend lately. There are many factors that contribute to these phenomena. Firstly, Wearable beacons have become much cheaper to purchase and maintain as opposed to 5-10 years ago. Secondly, anyone with the needed amount of money can buy them; you do not need any special permission. Back in the day, only certain people could make this purchase.These were mainly law enforcement personnel, lawyers, judges, journalists, diplomats, and detectives. Today anyone can get a personal safety device if want to.

Here are 4 Ways on How Personal Security Devices Can Improve Your Safety:

  1. Personal security devices can secure your homes

Many personal security devices available today often come from emergency alert companies that are linked with the wearable device. As such, pressing the emergency button on your device when an intruder breaks into your home. It will notify dispatchers from your alert company who will then send the police to your rescue. An example of this is the Life Saving Alert pendant which is a wearable personal security device. You can use that via pressing to notify the Life Saving Alert dispatchers who will call the police for you.

  1. How Personal protection devices can help you survive accidents?

Accidents can happen at any time especially when you are driving. When accidents happen you can use your personal security device to quickly notify your loved ones. You can also notify your emergency services by pressing the panic button on your device. This will send your location also, allowing emergency service to quickly find you.

  1.  Life Saving Alert safety devices get you medical support in time

Wearable personal alert devices are helping many people get through their medical complications such as a heart attack & severe breathing. These devices also helping the fall by getting the emergency service to their doorstep in the shortest possible time.

  1. Personal defense devices keep you safe on the street

With high crime rates everywhere, having a device that can alert the police and your loved ones when you are in danger. This device will greatly improve your safety of the street. In the worst case scenario where you are kidnapped, your personal security device can help the authorities find you easily.

Some Wearable Personal Security Devices Include:

  1. Stiletto

Stiletto is a cool and universal piece of jewelry specially designed for young girls and women. It offers automatic voice assistance and can give critical instruction to the user, even when one doesn’t have phone access. Moreover, it can alert family and friends, as well as 911 by calling and text messaging.

  1. Siren Sound Alarm

This is a very portable device that even a child can carry. It serves as a wearable beacon can be attached to a bag, your coat, or keychain. It goes off in the case of distress and sends your location to a person you have specified when installing the alarm.

  1. Watch over me

This app works by turning your personal device into your personal safety device. It tracks your journeys and once you are in trouble, it messages your emergency contacts the GPS coordinates. Setting the timer requires you to enter a password every 30 minutes. If you fail to do so, your family and friends will be notified.

In conclusion, think about how safe you and your family are at the moment. Moreover, think about what personal safety devices and wearable beacons you could incorporate into your life today.

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