October 25, 2021

Trick Or Treat – Let Your Kids Enjoy Halloween With These Safety Tips

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Trick Or Treat! 

Halloween is just around the corner. And it is a fantastic time for children. They get to stay up late, dress up, and eat sweets. As a result, they’re hyper, preoccupied, and intent on making the most of the day (and night!). But with that comes the stress of keeping them safe while they enjoy themselves. You are worried about making sure that they remain visible, adhere to traffic laws, and avoid eating unusual things from their loot bags.

To help you all, here are some Halloween safety tips to keep this spooky holiday from becoming a scary one.

Carve Safely

Consider the following safety guidelines before you dress your pumpkins:

  • Consider possibilities other than cutting. Use paint, glitter glue, or markers to decorate pumpkins. Allow young kids to create faces on pumpkins with art supplies. Let an adult handle carving.
  • Candles should be used with caution. Keep candle lit pumpkins on a solid surface away from curtains and other combustible things. Never leave candle lit pumpkins unattended. Consider using them instead of flashlights, battery-operated flameless candles, or glow sticks to light pumpkins.

Get Clever With Costumes

Halloween costumes must be chosen carefully to remain safe. Follow these trick or treat safety tips:

  • The brighter, the better. Choose vibrant hues and flame-resistant materials for your child’s costumes and treat bags if they will be outside after dark. Put a reflective tape to their costume or treat bag if your kid will be outside after dark.
  • Make sure the costume is of the right size. If it’s chilly outside, make sure your kid’s outfit is loose enough to allow for comfortable layers beneath — but not too large to cause tripping. Also, avoid making them wear oversized shoes and high heels.
  • Masks should be avoided. Masks might obstruct your child’s view, especially if they fall out of position. Non-toxic makeup should be used instead.
  • Remove anything that might cause injury. For example, wands, swords, and knives with pointy tips may be dangerous.

Trick Or Treat With Care

Before your youngsters go trick-or-treating, read through these safety precautions:

  • Make a list of guidelines. If your child will be trick-or-treating alone, set a routine and impose a curfew. Review safety precautions, such as walking in groups, only on the sidewalk, approaching only clearly illuminated houses, and never entering a home or automobile for candy. Have your youngster carry their phone with them.
  • Before your child indulges, inspect the goods. Allow your kid to trick-or-treat only if they have had a meal earlier in the day. Before going out, have supper with your youngster and inspect the goodies. Anything that isn’t sealed, has damaged packaging or looks questionable should be thrown away. Gum, nuts, hard sweets, and other choking hazards should all be avoided if you have young children. Check candy labels carefully if your kid has food allergies.
  • Make sure you have enough supplies. If your youngster amasses a lot of stuff, give out a few pieces at a time. You might ask if your child would want to swap some — or all — of the sweets for something else, such as a toy, book, or trip.

If Your Child Is Going Out Alone

  • Make sure your youngster is in a group of at least three other youngsters.
  • Give them a flashlight or two. If you have one, consider giving them your cell phone.
  • Prepare in advance the path they should take. If children intend to go somewhere that isn’t on the itinerary, ask them to contact you.
  • Establishing a curfew (plus ensuring they have a watch with them) is advised.
  • Tell your children to eat candies when they get home.
  • Give them Silent Beacon, which is a panic button for a Halloween party.

Silent Beacon – A Trick That Every Child Should Know

If you are still wondering how to trick or treat safely, then Silent Beacon is the best choice. It’s your child’s constant companion, ensuring their safety 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. So they can contact for help at any time of the day or night during trick or treating. In addition, you can customize the Halloween safety app and who your child can alert via push notification, email, phone call, or text message using Silent Beacon. They can even call 911 directly in case of an emergency.

Here are a few Halloween trick-or-treat app advantages:

  • Call for assistance without using a phone.
  • Share location at any time.
  • Notify all of the emergency contacts at the same time.

So, follow these guidelines and let your little munchkin enjoy trick or treating! [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_btn title=”Safe Your Kids with Silent Beacon” color=”primary” size=”lg” align=”center” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fsilentbeacon.com%2Fpanic-button-safety-device-online-store%2F”][/vc_column][/vc_row]