Christmas is a time when most families get together and spend time together. It is a favorite holiday for many since it is a season of giving and sharing. Every year though, we find ourselves lost, thinking, “what should be the perfect Christmas present for our friends and family?”. Think no further; this article explains why a personal safety device is the perfect Christmas present you can give anyone this year.

What Is a Personal Safety Device?

A personal safety device, or panic button, is the equipment used in emergencies that you can keep with you 24/7. It helps you alert your family or friends when you are in danger using text messages, push notifications, and your live GPS location. Specific personal safety devices also allow you to call 911 in an emergency. 


Personal safety devices differ in terms of functionality. Some are more discrete, have a complimentary safety mobile app, and offer customizable contacts, while others have limited options. 


It is important to note, however, that personal safety devices may not be helpful in all life-threatening situations. They are also not meant for medical purposes. The purpose is to let you alert your family, call an ambulance, or notify 911 about an unpleasant situation where you feel unsafe. 

Who Can Use a Personal Safety Panic Button?

A personal safety device is most helpful for children, women, and the elderly. However, generally, everyone requires a panic button for an added layer of safety. 


It is a reliable technology that ensures children are safe when traveling to school or with friends. Parents can even track their children’s locations if the device supports GPS tracking. Personal safety gadgets allow teenagers and children to ask for help in emergencies in addition to monitoring directly.


Seniors, especially those who live independently, need a personal safety device to call their families when they face a medical emergency. About 28% of people aged 60 and above live alone. 

What Makes a Personal Safety Device the Perfect Christmas Present?

Here are the 6 reasons why a personal safety device is the perfect Christmas present you can gift someone:

1. Shows That You Care

Gifting your loved ones a personal safety device on Christmas is a sweet way to tell them that you care about them. The gesture shows that you want them to stay safe at all times. They can save your number as their emergency contact and count on you in difficult situations when they need your help.


Besides, being responsible for the safety of your family, friends, and coworkers strengthens relationships. 

2. It Can Save Lives

If you have a medical emergency, having a personal safety alarm that can send notifications is milliseconds is a must. People with diseases including epilepsy, diabetes, and heart issues are at higher risk of a medical emergency. 


Particularly among the elderly, anything can happen with little or no notice. For instance, transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) might bring on unexpected fatigue, confusion, or fainting. Strokes might happen so quickly that the victim cannot call for assistance. The consequences are frequently more severe or fatal without prompt medical attention.


Personal safety devices are the perfect Christmas gifts since you can tell people you love that they are not alone during medical emergencies. They can alert you or other family members with just the touch of a button. Help, in the form of first aid and ambulance, reaches faster and the risk of loss of life is significantly reduced. 

3. Keeps Your Loved Ones Safe

Protecting persons who live, commute, or travel alone is the main objective of personal security devices. It implies that a person in need can use it to alert rescue personnel to potential dangers. 


For instance, a lady can activate her panic button if she returns home late at night and feels unsafe because someone may have been following her. The device will send an SMS or push notification to the chosen emergency contacts with their GPS location.

4. It provides Peace of Mind

Anyone can get into a car accident, young or old, and it’s only normal to worry about the people we care about when we can’t be there to keep them safe. 


The significant worries concerning elderly relatives are falls and medical issues. You may alleviate those concerns and provide your loved ones with a quick and efficient means to contact you by gifting them a panic button.


Knowing that you are not alone and can call your kith and kin for help when you need it makes you confident. You are not scared of emergencies. Instead, you are prepared to face them.  

5. Allows Quick Access to Help in Emergencies

The capability to immediately contact for assistance is the key benefit of having a personal alarm. Unlike a phone, you can wear them and keep them with you at all times. If you live alone or are out alone, having a personal safety device makes it easier to draw attention when you need help. 

6. Is a Permanent Companion, Even When No One's Around

According to recent studies, the average number of awake hours per day that adults spend alone has grown. The US Bureau of Labour Statistics states that loners spend 11.31 hours alone, compared to 6.3 hours for married persons without children.


People living alone are especially vulnerable to assaults, robberies, home invasions by strangers, and harassment. These risks necessitate a prompt response and fast assistance.


A personal safety device can be your companion when you are alone and harm yourself accidentally. Inevitable falls, accidents, and slips result in severe physical injuries, and your phone may be out of reach. A wearable safety device can notify emergency contacts and even call first-aid medical practitioners if needed.

Silent Beacon's Personal Safety Device

Silent Beacons’ panic button is a wearable safety device that connects to your phone via Bluetooth. It allows you to dial any number, including 911, quickly. It may simultaneously send SMS, push notifications, emails, and alerts to any family members, friends, or emergency agencies you have designated, along with your current GPS location, enabling you to get assistance more quickly.

You can customize your responses since different emergencies require different responses. It is the only wearable personal safety product on the market that lets you select which phone number to contact in an emergency. Get your device today and stay safe with Silent Beacon. 

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