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Application Documentation

Application Setup Guide
Covers setting up your application, adding a contact and connecting your Beacon to the app.

Application User Guide
Covers the different screens and features of the iOS and Android Silent Beacon safety application.

Application Updates, Enhancements and bug Fixes
View all updates to the Applications so that you can understand new features or any fixes to little bugs that you may have seen.

2.0 Beacon Documentation

2.0 Beacon Manual
Covers the features and functionality of the Silent Beacon 2.0 Panic Button.

Troubleshooting Guide

2.0 Troubleshooting Guide
Covers the features and functionality of the Silent Beacon 2.0 Panic Button.

1.0 Documentation

Silent Beacon 1.0 documentation lives here and will remain here through 2024.  We will be removing 1.0 support on Jan 1 2025. Please update to our second generation panic button, Silent Beacon 2.0 to avoid service interruption on that date.

Quick Start Guide

This quick guide is to help you quickly set up your Silent Beacon and to connect it to the Silent Beacon Application.  For a rundown of the Application setup please download our online manual.


Locate the USB Cord that came with the product. 

USB-C cord wrapped in circles with both ends showing

Connect it to the USB Port on the Beacon to fully charge the device. It should take 3 hours to fully charge.

3d image of the bottom of the Silent Beacon showing where to use the USB cord to charge the device.


Turn on the Beacon by pressing the secondary button located on the right side of the device for 3 seconds.

3d image of the right side of the silent beacon showing the secondary button you press to turn on the Beacon.

You will know you have completed this step when the LED lightens up and changes color, you hear an audio sequence and feel the Beacon vibrate.

3d image of the silent beacon with red LED light on


Download then open the Silent Beacon App and after setting the App up, navigate to the Beacon tab.  

Chose the correct Model image of the Silent Beacon and follow the onscreen instructions. 

A 3d image of the Silent Beacon 1.0 and 2.0 which you can select which one you are using.

How to videos